Association of African Universities Extends Support to Sudan's Higher Education Amidst Crisis

In a resounding display of solidarity and concern, the Association of African Universities (AAU) has stepped forward to express its unwavering support for Sudan's universities and higher education institutions, which have been severely impacted by the ongoing crisis in the country.

Professor Olusola Oyewole, the Secretary-General of the AAU, has emphasized the organization's steadfast commitment to this cause, highlighting the deep suffering and adversity experienced by countless researchers, university administrators, and students in Sudan that cannot be overlooked.

Confronted with the challenging conditions faced by students and staff in Sudan, the AAU has issued a heartfelt call to the warring factions, urging them to urgently seek peaceful resolutions to the conflict. Furthermore, the association has made a poignant plea to universities worldwide, appealing to them to come together and offer support to Sudanese scholars who are enduring immense hardships through no fault of their own.

A sobering statement released by Sudan's Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in August 2023 underscores the grim reality of the situation. It revealed the alarming destruction inflicted upon 104 government and private higher education institutions, research centres, and the National Fund for Student Welfare since April. The Ministry's own offices suffered damage in a fire, underscoring the pressing need for attention and assistance.

In light of this dire situation, the AAU is now making an appeal to global leaders to continue allocating essential resources to facilitate immediate humanitarian relief efforts. In a gesture of solidarity with the Sudanese National Academy of Sciences, the AAU is encouraging the international scientific community to join forces in mobilizing potential donors within their respective nations to support critical reconstruction efforts aimed at revitalizing the academic infrastructure decimated by the ongoing conflict.

The AAU's unwavering dedication to this cause is rooted in its deep recognition of the profound suffering experienced by a significant number of researchers, university administrators, and students in Sudan. The association fervently seeks the support of the international community to help restore normalcy to the operations of Sudanese universities, ensuring that the pursuit of knowledge and academic endeavours can continue unimpeded. This display of solidarity is a testament to the importance of preserving higher education in the face of adversity, promoting the resilience of academic institutions, and nurturing the aspirations of students and scholars in Sudan.


Article by RB Reporter

