Dutch Orange Knowledge Programme to Conclude in 2024, Leaving Lasting Impact on Global Development

The Dutch Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP), a pivotal global development initiative aimed at enhancing the knowledge and skills of professionals in 54 countries, is scheduled to conclude on December 31, 2024. Funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the OKP has been instrumental in advancing social and economic development through education since its inception in 2017. The programme focuses on sectors aligned with the priority themes of the Dutch government, including food and nutrition security, water, energy, climate, sexual and reproductive health and rights, and security and the rule of law.

The OKP has played a critical role in building capacity by providing funding for scholarships, training courses, and capacity development projects in collaboration with Dutch educational institutions. At the beginning of 2023, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced an extension of the OKP, setting its final operational date to December 31, 2024. However, no new application rounds for OKP funding will take place in 2024, allowing for the completion of ongoing projects and the finalization of programs already in progress.

The programme has supported a wide array of educational opportunities, with a particular emphasis on master's programs, short courses, and tailored training sessions. The end date for study programs under the Orange Knowledge Programme is set for August 31, 2024. For master's programs extending beyond this date, the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs has committed to covering expenses for up to one academic year.

Dr. Emile van Helden, Director of International Cooperation at Nuffic, the organization that administers the OKP, highlighted the programme's impact: "Through the Orange Knowledge Programme, we have seen remarkable advancements in knowledge transfer and capacity building. The programme has enabled thousands of professionals to gain critical skills and expertise, which they have brought back to their home countries to foster sustainable development."

Over its seven-year span, the OKP has not only facilitated individual capacity building but has also fostered institutional partnerships between Dutch educational organizations and counterparts in developing countries. These collaborations have resulted in numerous innovative projects and capacity-building initiatives aimed at addressing local and regional challenges in line with global development goals.

As the OKP prepares to conclude, its legacy will be reflected in the strengthened capacities of professionals and institutions across the globe, contributing to ongoing efforts in achieving sustainable development.


Article by RB Reporter


