Egerton University to Lead BREEDTECH Project, Advancing Agricultural Science Across Continents

In a significant move to advance agricultural science, Egerton University in Kenya will spearhead the BREEDTECH project, a transformative initiative aimed at enhancing plant breeding and biotechnology education and research across Africa, the Middle East, and Europe. With a substantial budget of €787,575 (approximately Ksh 121 million), the project will run from 2024 to 2027 and is expected to revolutionize agricultural practices and education in the participating regions.

Led by Dr. Miriam Charimbu and Prof. Paul Kimurto, alongside Dr. Maurice Oyoo and Dr. Mercy Wamalwa, the project involves a consortium of higher education institutions (HEIs). Partner institutions include Laikipia University (Kenya), Haramaya University and Oda Bultum University (Ethiopia), Al-Quds Open University and An-Najah National University (Palestine), Pixel-Associazione Culturale and Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Italy), the Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops (Serbia), the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (Sweden), and BOKU-University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (Austria).

BREEDTECH aims to build capacity in plant breeding and biotechnology by involving African and Palestinian HEIs in research mobility with European counterparts. The initiative targets improving the skills and competencies of 420 participants through the mobility of 12 students and 24 academic staff, knowledge transfer workshops for 150 students and faculty, and upgrading eight centers and laboratories.

Key activities include developing and reviewing 20 curricula, establishing six research projects, and creating three BREEDTECH incubators. Additionally, a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) will be developed for African and Palestinian universities with support from European HEIs. This initiative will also promote public-private partnerships, enhancing agricultural technologies for better productivity, sustainability, and environmental safety.

Prof. Kimurto emphasized the project's potential to equip the next generation of plant breeders and biotechnology professionals with the necessary knowledge and skills. “To ensure broad impact, plant breeding and biotechnology incubators will promote innovation and product development to support startups and entrepreneurship, turning ideas into successful businesses,” he stated.

Egerton University stands to benefit significantly from capacity building for students and staff, provision of research materials and equipment, and enhanced visibility through webinars, workshops, and publications. The BREEDTECH project represents a significant stride towards a sustainable and innovative future in agricultural science, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing across continents.


Article by Jed Mwangi

