South Africa Announces Science Partnership to Bolster Palestinian Research and Innovation

In a significant move to support Palestinian scientific and technological development, South Africa has unveiled a new initiative aimed at sharing scientific knowledge and innovations with Palestine. The partnership, announced by Minister of Science Blade Nzimande, seeks to rebuild Palestine's science capacity and infrastructure, emphasizing research and innovation.

The Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) in South Africa will oversee the program, utilizing funds from its existing international cooperation budget. The initiative is part of South Africa's broader strategy to aid in developing Palestinian infrastructure and research centres.

Nzimande highlighted that the partnership is built on a history of successful collaborations between South Africa and Palestine. These previous efforts include joint research projects, seed funding for "South African-Palestinian knowledge networks," hosting Palestinian scholars and students, and exchange programs to share scientific and developmental initiatives. The new program aims to specifically focus on safeguarding and rebuilding Palestine's research and innovation infrastructure.

“This new program will be implemented by our entity, the National Research Foundation (NRF), and will be funded from the department’s existing budget for international cooperation,” Nzimande informed members of parliament. A portion of the DSI's proposed $5.45 million budget for the 2024/2025 financial year has been allocated to this mission.

This announcement follows South Africa's recent actions on the international stage, including the launch of a case at the International Court of Justice in January, alleging systemic genocide in Palestine by Israel. The science partnership is part of South Africa's comprehensive efforts to support Palestine, leveraging scientific and technological collaboration to foster development and resilience.

The program will include various initiatives such as establishing research networks and facilitating knowledge exchange. South Africa aims to strengthen Palestine's research capabilities by hosting Palestinian scholars fostering scientific exchanges and contributing to its scientific and technological advancement.


Article by Nyokabi Wanjiku

