UNESCO Launches New Tool to Help Universities Advance Global Sustainability Goals

The United Nations has unveiled a new resource to assist higher education institutions in assessing and enhancing their contributions to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The tool, known as the Sustainability Self-Evaluation Tool for Higher Education Institutions (SET4HEI), was introduced by UNESCO during an international sustainability gathering in New York, coinciding with the United Nations High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development.

SET4HEI was developed through a collaborative effort between the UNESCO International Institute for Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean, the United Nations Academic Impact Initiative, and the UN Higher Education Sustainability Initiative (HESI). This free, online platform enables universities and colleges to map their current and future contributions to global sustainability efforts. The SDGs encompass a broad spectrum of global challenges, including poverty eradication, climate change mitigation, promoting good health, and achieving gender equality.

The tool features multiple-choice questionnaires aligned with each of the 17 SDGs and utilizes over 400 indicators to evaluate whether institutions are actively contributing to their prioritized SDGs. For example, a university focused on SDG 1, which aims to eradicate poverty, may assess whether it offers relevant courses on poverty alleviation.

In addition to allowing institutions to conduct self-assessments, universities can also apply for SET4HEI certification. UNESCO describes this certification as a "tangible and prestigious mark of excellence in sustainability," which aims to encourage broader engagement with sustainability goals in higher education.

Dr. Victoria Galan-Muros, chief of research and analysis at UNESCO’s International Institute for Higher Education, highlighted the pivotal role of higher education institutions in advancing the SDGs during the tool’s launch. "They train the human capital with the skills required [to implement the sustainability agenda]; they can also drive research and innovation," she stated.

Currently available in English and Spanish, SET4HEI is set to expand to other languages. The tool is designed to be non-competitive, enabling institutions to independently assess and enhance their sustainability initiatives with support from external expert evaluations.


Article by Nyokabi Wanjiku


