UNESCO and SFA Foundation Forge Alliance to Boost Science and Innovation in Africa

Nairobi, Kenya — In a groundbreaking move for Africa’s sustainable development, the Science for Africa Foundation (SFA Foundation) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have signed a pivotal partnership agreement to prioritize science, technology, and innovation (STI) across the continent. The letter of intent, formalizing the collaboration, was signed today by SFA Foundation CEO Professor Tom Kariuki and UNESCO’s Director of the Regional Office for Eastern Africa, Dr. Alexandros Makarigakis, during a meeting at the SFA Foundation’s Nairobi headquarters.

This strategic alliance is set to play a crucial role in advancing Africa’s progress toward the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. By fostering interdisciplinary and multi-stakeholder dialogues, the partnership aims to harness evidence-based scientific knowledge to tackle Africa’s most pressing development challenges.

“The achievement of Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) requires transformation—a transformation that will guide us towards sustainable societies and economies,” stated Dr. Makarigakis. “Science, Technology, and Innovation are integral to this transformation and essential for implementing the SDGs.”

The collaboration will focus on several key areas: Interdisciplinary Dialogues, Innovation Ecosystem, Gender-Transformative STEM Education, and Digital Transformation. These efforts are expected to drive substantial advancements in Africa’s science and innovation landscape.

Professor Kariuki emphasized the importance of the partnership in driving sustainable development. “Science and innovation are critical to Africa’s journey towards achieving the SDGs. Our partnership with UNESCO will foster a collaborative approach to identify, prioritize, and support scientific ideas that will strengthen Africa’s science ecosystem, ultimately leading to improved lives and transformed economies,” he said.

This collaboration is anticipated to deliver meaningful results, benefiting both Africa and the global community as we collectively strive to meet the SDGs by 2030.


Article by RB Correspodent


