WCRP Launches Global South Fellowship to Empower African Climate Researchers

The World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) has announced a new Global South Fellowship program designed to empower early to mid-career researchers from Africa. This initiative aims to enhance climate research in the region by supporting researchers in developing and executing projects that align with WCRP's scientific objectives.

The fellowship, now open for 2024 applications, offers a unique opportunity for researchers from the Global South to advance climate research activities. African candidates are invited to submit research proposals supported by a host institution, ensuring that the candidate can dedicate full-time effort to the fellowship project during the agreed period.

Fellowship topics are encouraged to cover a wide range of scientific questions outlined in the WCRP Science and Implementation Plan. These topics should align with the priorities of WCRP activities, including its Core Projects and Lighthouse Activities.

Successful projects will address critical gaps in African climate research, enhance climate action for and within Africa, build a community of practice, and establish a strong legacy for future research endeavours. Proposals should aim to be transformative and lay a foundation for African researchers to lead WCRP legacy projects. Additionally, proposals should incorporate links to relevant WCRP core activities where appropriate.

The WCRP, co-sponsored by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), UNESCO, and the International Science Council, coordinates research on vital scientific questions about the climate system. The research supported by WCRP is crucial for advancing global environmental frameworks such as the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, the Paris Agreement, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

This fellowship represents a significant step towards boosting African climate research capabilities, providing the necessary resources and support for researchers to make impactful contributions to global climate science.


Article by Nyokabi Wanjiku


